Open-Future is an Open Source software integrator.
This however does not mean we cannot help you with your infrastructure, quite the contrary! Therefor we focus since our existence on both infrastructure and software solutions. And by the way, our existence that’s over more than ten years ago now!
We have in-house knowledge to help you choose the best hardware for your needs and can help you with the installation and configuration.
We are an Open Source company and because of this we believe in openness. For us it’s important that you as customer are free to choose your own hardware. An infrastructure and software solutions partner is not a luxury these days but a real requirement.
Most company processes are spanned over several different packages that don’t always play along well. Keeping several data instances up to date in parallel is often a recipe for disaster.
Integration is the answer to your problem. Linking these separate instances together is the answer. This will create the synergy that will save you from split data disasters and streamline your workflow.
You can find a recent customer succes story by clicking here.
Specialist versus generalist
Although we claim to be a specialist in the infrastructure world, we are also generalist. This is required to also have a wide enough knowledge of the many domains that are now available at the market.
This results in a wide customers range that have small to bigger environments in all sectors of the industry.
After that it doesn’t stop and we provide the installation/configuration of specific monitoring tools for your organisation.
Every aspect of a good running environment is important for us. An example. We analyse your data first. Then we provide you the best solution to backup your data. By using the right tools, we make sure you recover from a disaster scenario as quickly as possible.
You can find some of our most important software partners by following this link.